The Ten Commandments of My Career

The Ten Commandments of My Career

I. Network Tirelessly.

II. Accept every introduction and “get to know you” coffee date--even if you think there will be no valid connection for you or your business. You’d be surprised at the collaborations and opportunities that arise from simple communication.

III. Refer your colleagues and business contacts to individuals who could: be a customer, help improve their business, give solid advice, or just be a great connection.

IV. Think creatively and out-of-the-box all the time. Don’t be afraid to share “crazy” ideas.

V. Brainstorming in small groups brings inspiration. Brainstorming in large groups brings confusion.

VI. ALWAYS return emails and phone calls, even if the answer is “no, thank you.”

VII. Understand that sometimes emails and phone messages get lost in the shuffle. If you think someone has forgotten to get back to you, give them a friendly reminder.

VIII. Sometimes clients need a nudge in order to give feedback or approval. Check in on them and make it a positive interaction.

IX. Run scenarios and ideas past friends, kids, spouses, etc. It’s fun and inspiring to get feedback from people who have a fresh outlook and no familiarity with your subject.

X. Read it, read it again, edit it, read it again, and read it out loud. Then, have someone else read it.